Free PPC Audit
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Free PPC Audit

Maximise your Return On Investment (ROI) from SEO Campaigns by booking a FREE PPC Audit of your website
PPC Campaigns

A love hate relationship

We find a number of companies have a love hate relationship with their PPC campaigns. They hear so much in the media about how it is a fantastic marketing channel but they are sinking thousands of pounds a month into online marketing and getting little or no return.


Let DLR Media give a free helping hand and tell you where you are going wrong and how you can get firing on all four cylinders and start making money. Once we’ve audited your campaigns we can then offer guidance on how to get quick wins and create long-term development.


Currently using an agency? That’s fine, our review will provide a second set of eyes on your campaign so you’ve got more than one opinion to go with.

Certified Professionals

Bespoke Report

Our Certified Professionals focus entirely on paid search campaigns for companies across the UK and abroad. We’re looking to do quality business and by offering this service for free we can test where we stand and whether we can offer you real value for money. Our PPC Audits also give us the opportunity to demonstrate our expertise in a real-world scenario giving you the chance to save money or increase your profits.


This isn’t an automated process – press a button and churn a report out in 30 seconds type thing. We spend time generating the data, analysing it, and then producing the report. Give us 2-3 working days to come back to you. We promise it will be worth it.

Don’t miss out

Get your FREE PPC Audit

Find out how to maximise your Return On Investment (ROI) from paid search pay-per-click by booking a FREE PPC Audit of your account with one of our team. Leave your details in the comments below and we’ll be in touch with more information.

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